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With the dawning of the industrial age, Cannabis began to fall out of favour: Steam power replaced sails * Chemical drugs injected intravenously replaced natural herbal remedies * The invention of the cotton gin, made cotton into a cheap mass produced fabric * New Chemical processes were developed for pulping wood into paper.

The big problem for Cannabis was it was very labour intensive to process. This was all set to change in 1937 when new 'Decorticating' machines were developed to strip the outer 'bast fibres' from the rest of the plant.

In 1937 Dupont, key players in the industrial revolution patented processes for making plastics from oil as well as a new bleaching process for making paper from wood pulp. They were well aware of the threat Cannabis placed upon their newly emerging petrochemical industry. In order to dominate the worlds industrial markets they would have to eliminate the competition.

In order to eliminate Cannabis from the market place, Dupont conspired with media moguls and corrupt politicians within the USA.

In order to generate a state of mass hysteria, newspaper tycoon Randolph Hearst used the Mexican colloquialism for Cannabis, 'Marijuana' and then set about Demonising it, claiming that it was the most violence causing drug known to Humanity.

After a series of stories about 'Marijuana the Killer Weed from Mexico' the newly appointed head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, Harry Anslinger had little opposition in passing the 'Marijuana Transfer Tax Bill' that effectively taxed the plant out of existence. Anslinger had been appointed head of the FBN by Andrew Mellon. Mellon was Anslinger's uncle and head of the Mellon Bank, key financial backers to Dupont.

Since the passing of the laws of Cannabis prohibition untold environmental damage has been done by multinational companies who are exploiting both planet and people for the sake of greed.

Trees, the lungs of the planet are being cut down to make paper and building materials. Fossil Fuels are being mined and burned with devastating environmental consequences. 'Third world' countries are being forced to grow cash crops like cotton which consume vast quantifies of water and chemicals.

For thousands of years the land has been the means of production of wealth. Farmers would grow crops to provide for our basic needs of fibre, fuel, medicine and food.mical industry. Any fibre crops that are grown, such as cotton have become chemically dependent.

The fuel industry is dominated by the oil barons and most medicines are synthetic copies of naturally occurring herbal remedies.

The food industry is now being rapidly taken over by the synthetic industries with genetically modified plants and vast quantifies of dangerous chemicals being added to foods.

This has meant that the land is no longer the means for production of wealth. Instead the wealth has been concentrated into the hands of large multinational companies. These companies only motivation appears to be profit with little or no concern being shown for the environment.


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